EDA Background

Metrics to look at

When analyzing cycling data, there are several key metrics that are important to consider:  

Power Output: Measured in watts, this metric provides information about the effort being put into riding. It can be used to monitor changes in performance over time and to track progress. 

Cadence: The number of pedal revolutions per minute, this metric provides information about the rider's pedaling efficiency. Speed: Measured in miles or kilometers per hour, this metric provides information about the rider's overall pace. 

Heart Rate: Measured in beats per minute, this metric provides information about the rider's physiological response to the effort being put into riding. 

Elevation Gain: The amount of vertical height gained over the course of a ride, this metric provides information about the terrain and the amount of effort required to complete the ride. 

Ride Time: The total time spent riding, this metric provides information about the duration of the ride and can be used to track changes in performance over time. 

Distance: The total distance covered during a ride, this metric provides information about the length of the ride and can be used to track changes in performance over time. 

Split Times: The time it takes to complete specific sections of a ride, this metric provides information about changes in pace over the course of a ride and can be used to identify areas for improvement. 

It's important to consider multiple metrics when analyzing cycling data to get a comprehensive understanding of performance and to identify areas for improvement.

Power and Cadence

Power and cadence are related in cycling. Power refers to the amount of work done over a certain amount of time, while cadence refers to the number of revolutions of the pedals per minute. 

In cycling, the power you produce is determined by your cadence and the force you apply to the pedals. Generally speaking, a higher cadence results in a lower force on the pedals and a lower power output, while a lower cadence results in a higher force on the pedals and a higher power output. However, this relationship can vary based on individual biomechanics and other factors such as gear selection and terrain.  

In practical terms, riders may use different cadences for different purposes, such as increasing their power output to get up a steep hill, or maintaining a high cadence to conserve energy during a race. 

The optimal cadence will depend on a number of factors, including the rider's fitness level, the intensity of the effort, and the terrain. In order to determine the best cadence for a particular situation, riders may need to experiment with different cadences and find what works best for them.

Heart Rate Regression

As athletes engage in endurance activities, such as long-distance cycling or running, their heart rate tends to increase as they sustain physical effort over an extended period of time. One can perform a regression analysis to model the relationship between heart rate and distance or time.  This relationship can be used to predict an athlete's heart rate as they continue to progress in their endurance activity. 

A common model used in this type of analysis is the linear regression model, which assumes a linear relationship between heart rate and distance/time. The coefficients of the linear model can be estimated using least squares regression, and the goodness of fit can be assessed using metrics such as R-squared and root mean square error (RMSE).  

However, this relationship is not always linear and can be affected by several factors such as the athlete's physical fitness, age, and training regime. Non-linear regression models, such as polynomial or exponential regression, can also be used to better capture the relationship between heart rate and distance/time. Additionally, other variables such as heart rate variability, cadence, and power output can also be incorporated into the model to further improve the predictions.

Cadende sweet spot

The cadence "sweet spot" in cycling refers to the optimal pedal revolution per minute (RPM) range that allows a cyclist to generate the most power and efficiency while riding. The exact value of the sweet spot can vary depending on the individual cyclist, but a commonly cited range is between 90-100 RPM.  At lower cadences, a cyclist may struggle to maintain a consistent rhythm and generate enough power, while at higher cadences, they may start to feel a greater strain on their knees and legs. Within the sweet spot range, a cyclist is able to generate a good balance between power and efficiency, allowing them to maintain a steady pace and conserve energy.  It's important to note that the sweet spot can vary based on the rider's physical condition, the type of terrain they're riding on, and the gear they are using. For example, a rider may prefer a higher cadence on a steep climb, while a lower cadence may be more efficient on a flat road.  Ultimately, finding the right cadence is a matter of experimentation and personal preference, and riders should listen to their bodies and adjust their cadence as needed to find what works best for them.

Power over time

Cycling power output refers to the amount of energy a cyclist generates during a ride or race. It is typically measured in watts and provides a direct measure of a cyclist's physical effort. Power output is not constant over time, as it can change due to various factors such as fatigue, terrain, wind conditions, and the rider's strategy.  During a race, a cyclist's power output will generally follow a pattern of highs and lows. In a flat race, power output may be relatively consistent, with a small decrease over the course of the race due to fatigue. In a hilly race, power output will vary greatly as the rider climbs and descends hills, with higher power output required to climb hills and lower power output when coasting downhill.  A sprinter will have a very high power output in short bursts, while a time trialist will aim to maintain a consistent power output over a longer period of time. During a breakaway, a rider will need to maintain a high power output to maintain their gap over the peloton, while during a chase, a rider will need to increase their power output to close the gap.  Overall, the pattern of a cyclist's power output over time is dependent on many factors and can provide valuable insight into their performance and tactics during a race.